
The Diocese of San Jose has developed a set of guidelines for “Marriage Preparation”. These guidelines recognize the seriousness of marriage and the responsibilities of caring Church in helping couples like you prepare, in the very best way, for your life together.

There are two very important aspects of preparing for your marriage in the Church: preparing for married life and preparing for your wedding celebration. With this in mind, we offer you the following information.


The Church seeks to do all it can in helping couples prepare for marriage. By its very nature, this type of serious preparation cannot be accomplished overnight. The sooner couple begin the initial arrangements, the better opportunity they have for seriously preparing for marriage and celebrating it beginning in the Liturgy.

  1. Couples should set up a meeting with our parish priest at least six months prior to your tentative wedding date to begin the paperwork and the rest of your marriage preparation. No date can be finalized before this.
  2. The date and time of the wedding will be reserved for you, but not finalized until you have completed the marriage preparation requirements. While the priest who will officiate at your wedding will help you with these procedures, remember that it is your responsibility to complete all the required documents needed before the wedding.
  3. The Liturgy Planning Sheet and the selection from “TOGETHER FOR LIFE” are to be filled out with the help of the priest or wedding coordinator.
  4. You will have several meetings with the priest who will be witnessing your marriage.


  1. ENGAGED ENCOUNTER WEEKEND is a full weekend experience, extending from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, usually held at a retreat house. A married couple and a priest lead it. For further information and available dates go to or call 408.221.7782.
  2. INTRODUCTION TO NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING is also required. Check out: or call 408.983.0130.
  3. FOCCUS – All engaged couples take the FOCCUS (Facilitating Open Couple Communication & Understanding Study) pre-marriage inventory instrument. This communication tool can assist you to surface any significant issues that may have an impact on your future marriage relationship.


  2. BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE – less than six-months old must be submitted by each Catholic party with notations for the date and church of First Communion and Confirmation. In an interfaith marriage, the non-Catholic party is asked to present a record of religious affiliation, if that is possible.
  3. SELF-TESTIMONY- of personal information is to be completed by the bride and groom in the presence of a priest or his delegate.
  4. WITNESS TESTIMONY- a close relative of the bride and groom, ordinarily a parent, will fill out this form in the presence of a priest or his delegate.
  5. DISPENSATION FORM- in the case of an interfaith marriage, the promise to have the children baptized and reared as Catholics. The Catholic party must sign the form in the presence of a priest or his delegate.
  6. MARRIAGE LICENSE – You must obtain a Marriage License a month prior to our scheduled wedding. You will need to bring this with you on the night of the rehearsal (blue mento certificate, official white document, and return envelope). If the ceremony is a validation, a copy of the marriage certificate must be presented to the priest who is preparing the marriage.


A $150 deposit is needed to secure the Wedding date

Wedding Rehearsal will also be scheduled on the availability of the Wedding party. A Wedding Coordinator will be assigned to assist in the Wedding Ceremony preparation. Any information regarding music, flowers, decorations, photography, videography, and other policies on Church use will be provided by the coordinator.

Wedding Coordinators:

English: Ms. Imelda “Mel” Manaloto

Spanish: Mr. & Mrs. Victor and Veronica Miranda

Vietnamese: Mrs. Allison Haro

For more information, please contact the Parish Office at (408) 262-8100

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